USB Graduates, Dakota School of Banking

Union State Bank’s Ginny Cheatley and Kelly Martin have completed two years of schooling and recently graduated from the Dakota School of Banking. Sara Grinsteinner completed her first year of schooling and is set to graduate in summer of 2023.
In its 48th year, the Dakota School of Banking trained 63 bankers. The school, sponsored by the North Dakota Bankers Association (NDBA) and endorsed by the South Dakota Bankers Association (SDBA), was held June 5-10 on the University of Jamestown campus in Jamestown, ND, where it has been held since 1997. “The Dakota School of Banking offers important perspectives on forces that shape the banking industry,” said Dorothy Lick, NDBA senior vice president of education. “Through a well-rounded educational experience that develops skills and creates a resources network, DSB students enhance their performance to thrive in the evolving financial services marketplace.” Students at the Dakota School of Banking are enrolled for two years, attending one week each summer. The first-year session provides a general overview of the banking industry and the departments that make up a bank. The second-year session builds on the general banking knowledge gained in the first year and adds a computerized bank management simulation to reinforce technical and functional management skills. Instructors at the school include bankers, attorneys, accountants, and consultants. Sessions combine lecture, hands-on activities, and testing.